Knights Templar UK Logo


0333 335 6725

Knights Templar UK & Overseas
14 Diamond Road
Exeter EX2 8DN


Knights Templar Organisation UK - Membership Requirements

The Knights Templar Organisation UK is a non-racist, non-political organisation. By Joining the Knights Templar UK & Overseas, you must be 18 or over and universally accept our aims as outlined on the About Us page of this website. You will be added to our Private, members only, Facebook page. This a requirement to join. But certain criteria must be met if you wish to be added to it. There is certainly no hate speech to be posted on our page. You also fully accept and agree to abide by the following Knights Templar UK & Overseas statement:

The original Knights Templar were formed to protect the rights of Christians. At Knights Templar Organisation UK we broaden that, to protect the rights of all lawful religions and belief systems from the extremists of any religion. We believe that anyone has the right to follow their faith or philosophy, (to include atheists) so long as it does not infringe the rights of other faiths or philosophies or cause them harm. We seek to help all lawful belief systems, atheists, and nationalities, to peacefully co-exist without hindrance. We do not condone or encourage any unlawful or extremist acts, hate speech or violence towards any religion or race and will actively support peaceful and lawful means, to prevent such events occurring.

We are not a front for far-right groups/parties or people. We have no connection with any other Templar Orders.

If an applicant is granted the right to join the Knights Templar Organisation UK, the honorary title of Knight or Dame within our organisation will be conferred upon them. The successful applicant may use KT-UK or KT as a suffix to their name.

It is a requirement to acknowledge all emails and newsletters as these are used as a roll call, A minimum “Received” will suffice.

Wherever reasonably practical, please try to attend meets where possible. (Optional) If you cannot attend meets there are other options available to contact your local commandery.

If a Knight or Dame is proved to be in violation of these terms hereto laid out or attempts to harm or undermine our order in any way, then at the discretion of the Grand Master and advice from his/her Masters, such Knight or Dame may have their membership withdrawn and with no entitlement to any refund or explanation (for interests of security). In all matters and business, relating to Knights Templar Organisation UK, the decision of the Grand Master is final.

If you wish to join our organisation, please visit the Join Our Organisation page and complete the application form.